Welcome to

Essential U: The University of YOU!

The Best Way to Learn About Youself and How to Show Up as Your Best Self.

Essential U

Begin a transformative journey with a 6-module course designed to unlock the power within you. Discover the deep connection between your emotions, energy, and overall well-being.

1️⃣ Embody Emotional Wisdom: Discover how your emotions can get stuck in your body, which can result in mental, emotional, and physical pain. Experience techniques to navigate through fear, and achieve a sense of calm. Stop Being Afraid of Your Power!

2️⃣ Meditation Magic: Discover easy ways to make regular meditation part of your busy life while going beyond conventional methods.

In Stillness You Can Find Your Strength!

3️⃣ Biofield Tuning Serenity: Harmonize your mind, body, and spirit while working through Fear. Don't be afraid of your emotions.

Sound is an Excellent Healer.

4️⃣ Reiki Wisdom: Experience the profound connection between mind and body, unveiling a newfound sense of vitality with Reiki. You'll learn how to do Reiki for yourself and ways to make it part of your everyday life!

Energy is Everywhere.

5️⃣ Discover Your Essence: Uncover the secrets of numerology, revealing the essence of who you are. Learn your unique life path and destiny numbers.

🎁 Bonus: Dive into a complete journal for your thoughts, 1 extra Biofield Tuning session on fear, Tapping Strategies for diverse situations, printable Affirmation Cards, evidence-backed Resources, Meditation Alternatives, and exclusive access to a supportive Facebook group.

🚀 Transformation Awaits: Find your Essential U—the profound transformation that awaits you on the other side. Receive a life of balance, energy, and harmony. Your transformation begins now!

Program Reviews:

Course Highlights:

* Professionally curated modules, each delving into a different aspect of holistic wellness and personal growth.

* Engaging video lessons led by a Reiki Master and Biofield Tuning Practitioner.

* Interactive exercises and guided meditations to help you implement the teachings.

* A private community to ask questions and share experiences

* Exclusive resources and downloadable materials for ongoing learning.

*Self-Paced content, so you can review as needed,

Who Should Enroll?

✅ Individuals seeking to revitalize their health and well-being from the inside out.

✅ Those looking to cultivate a strong and positive mindset for achieving their goals.

✅ Anyone interested in exploring energy healing modalities to enhance their vitality.

✅ Individuals committed to their personal growth journey and ready to embrace their true potential.

Meet Your Instructor

Cheryl Fisher is a Certified Reiki Master and Certified Biofield Tuner who began her journey of self-discovery many years ago. Being quite the researcher, she knows a little bit about many different aspects of life from nutrition, energy modalities, meditation, and much more.

Before working for herself, she had teaching experience in the PK- Master level. She's also worked at a juvenile delinquent facility as a counselor. Needless to say, she's got a full-range of wisdom to share.

She lives in Arizona and has three adult children. In her free time, she enjoys walking and hiking if it's not too hot!

Invest in Yourself!

Get Essential U today and take the first step towards a life of abundance, vitality, and self-empowerment. This course is your gateway to lasting positive transformation and a more profound connection with yourself.

Are you ready to be your Essential U? Join us on this empowering journey.

Enroll now and unlock the doors to a healthier, happier, and more empowered you.


  • (520) 333-5489
  • cheryl@soundabundance.com

This web site is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Biofield Tuning and Reiki are energy modalities and are not a substitute for medical care. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical conditions.